We arrived safely to Suna Migori and today will be our first day at Ngochoni Petals of Africa School. All of the donated items have arrived with us. Thank you to everyone who contributed in this manner. Lilian, the Head Mistress, surprised us at the Narobi Airport and accompanied us on the long drive from Narobi. Our accommodations are modest and sufficient. The people of Kenya are very gracious. Melody, Rachel and Stacey have gone to market with Lilian and Helen, Jared’s wife.
We hope to send photos in a few days once we get all of our equipment set up.
An excerpt by Jared Ogega’s message from 12/17/08 – “…this is a seed that has been planted and all the conditions necessary for its growth. Its accomplishment is rested on our consortium and others. Remember this is a Love at work.”
A heartfelt thanks was shared among all for this opportunity to continue supporting this school idea and how each one one of us is participating in building a bridge to support one another.
“Follow the way of love” was shared in slideshow and song as our gathering united in this Send Off evening.

March 16-21, 2009, a youth mission group will visit Petals School. The mission is to interact in educational supportive ways with administrators, teachers and students. Also to discover school needs and consider how to support supply. Each youth will bring their unique talents and gifts to this experience.